Sunday, February 28, 2010

Celandine Stone effects

So after about five months in incubation I finally took out my celandine stone and bottled it in a sealed vial. This was made using a method given to me by a fellow alchemist and friend. I took a dose about the size of a wheat kernel and chased it with about an ounce of wine. In only a few minutes I started to feel lightheaded. A warmth gathered in my solar plexus and just kept growing and growing, radiating outwards. It grew in intensity and finally when the warmth hit my head I passed out - I slept for about two hours. I didn't remember any of what I dreamed about, but when I woke I felt quite refreshed, although still a little groggy. Even now, about nine hours after taking it, I still feel its effects somewhat.

1 comment:

  1. hi, your experiment seems very interesting !

    Is it possible to know some more about the process to make your celandine stone ?

    Kind Regards,

